
Patenting is a complex field and professional advice is highly recommended. Bryn Aarflot's experts stand ready to assist you. Our team of patent advisors and lawyers cover all technical areas of expertise and protect your rights for the lifetime of the patent.

Marianne Wulf, patentrådgiver og patentekspert i Bryn Aarflot, sitter inne i en møtesituasjon med en mann i forgrunnen og en kvinne i bakgrunnen.

What is a patent?

A patent ensures exclusive rights in your technical invention. A Norwegian patent is a time-bound exclusive right obtained by registration with the Norwegian Industrial Property Office. This exclusive right entitles the owner of the patent to prevent commercial exploitation of the invention by others, implying that no one can by-pass the efforts and investments you have put into developing the technology without your consent. Exclusive rights puts a patent holder in position to license or sell their own products based on the invention.

Patents are, in many cases, the inventor’s or company’s most valuable asset. Having a strategy in place for securing and optimizing profits of these assets is thus essential. Since patents are time-limited and public, it is crucial to apply for a patent at the right time.

Patent in Norway or internationally?

Bryn Aarflot’s experts conduct analyses and investigations related to patent applications in Norway, as well as the drafting, submission and processing of applications. We have extensive experience and knowledge of processes relevant for patent applications, both in Norway and internationally.

Our patent attorneys closely monitor technological developments worldwide and have detailed and up-to-date knowledge of patent registration and enforcement internationally. We work closely with our clients and cater for your business needs.

Freedom- to- operate analysis and searches

Existing patents may have a protective scope that represent potential barriers against the utilization of subsequent inventions. It is, therefore, important to obtain an overview of patents that might affect you at an early stage – before investing too much time and money in your invention. Freedom -to- operate (FTO) means you have freedom to exploit your invention without interfering with existing patents. By requesting an FTO analysis, you reduce the risk of subsequent conflicts, legal actions and compensation claims.

Bryn Aarflot’s team of highly qualified lawyers and patent attorneys can help you with FTO analyses. Further we can help you with other searches including novelty searches which provide a basis for assessing whether your invention is patentable.

We are also experts in developing and adapting patent applications that can best safeguard our clients’ rights.

Experts in developing and adapting patent applications

Portfolio Management and Patent Monitoring

We provide ongoing management of our clients’ patent portfolios. Our qualified lawyers and patent attorneys ensure that portfolios are managed in the way that best serves the patent holder. We monitor deadlines, and deal with anything that arises in connection with our clients’ patents. For example, we make sure that rights transfers are properly registered, and we work with our clients to restructure and consolidate their portfolio.

We also identify needs and take care of any necessary changes so that the portfolio is at all times in line with the client’s vision and strategy. In addition to portfolio management, Bryn Aarflot provides monitoring services aimed at detecting attempts by competitors to register or utilize technology that infringes our clients’ patent rights. Our clients can rest assured that their patents are being properly protected.

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