Dag Thrane

European Patent Attorney M.Sc. (Physics) Senior Partner

Tlf: 958 05 990Mail: dt@baa.no
Bryn Aarflot

Primary expertise

Dag Thrane is a physicist and primarily works in technical fields related to sensor and measuring technology such as optoelectronics, seismics and flow measurements but also in fields such as mechanics and electronics. The main focus has been Norwegian clients from startups to major oil companies and research institutes, resulting in cooperations that have lasted for more than 20 years.

His holds extensive experience in general and strategic patents counselling, as well as patent drafting and prosecution in Norway and EPO, and abroad. In addition, the experience includes prior art searches, due diligence and freedom to operate opinions, as well as patent oppositions and revocation proceedings, infringement analyses and proceedings, and advising in patent litigation.

Dag has been a patent expert witness in court and works closely in team with the litigators in patent cases before the courts. He is experienced in representing clients in oral proceedings in examination and opposition before the Opposition Division.


Dag holds a MSc in physics from 1988 and educational seminar in 1989 being a qualified high school teacher. He started as an examiner at the Norwegian Industrial Property Office in 1989. After working in the Patent Department of Statoil (now Equinor) for 5 months in 1993 and 1994 he started in a private firm, ABC-Patent, in 1994. In 2001 he moved to Protector IP AS and became a partner in 2004. Protector is merging with Bryn Aarflot in 2023.

He also maintains his interest in the technical field by being part of the optics group the Norwegian Physics Society and combines it with a more artistic approach as an amateur photographer.


– Listed as individual in IAM Patent 1000


FICPI/FONIP, AIPPI/NIR, EPI, EPI Council, Epi Disciplinary Committee, Tekna, Norwegian Physics Society (Optics group) which is part of the European Physics Society

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