Courses and workshops in patent law

Courses, presentation or workshops in patent law?
Bryn Aarflot’s experienced lawyers and patent advisors offer patent law courses and workshops. The design and content of the courses vary and are tailored to the needs of our clients. Whether you are looking for an introduction to a topic or a more in-depth study, we can help you.
Relevant patent law issues include:
– What can be protected under a patent?
– Requirements for patent protection
– Content of patent protection and scope of protection
– Strategy for optimal patent protection of your inventions
– Strategy for commercial exploitation of your patents
– Strategy for the best possible management of your portfolio and enforcement of your patent rights
– International patenting
Contact us today
Contact us for an informal talk with one of our attorneys. One of our lawyers or patent attorneys will quickly get back to you and gladly provide you with a clear and reliable costs estimate.
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Our experts
See all employeesJon D. Heggstad
European Patent Attorney Ba.Mech.Eng.Hon. Senior Partner

Kristine Rekdal
European Patent Attorney M.Sc. (Physics) Senior Partner

Krister Mindrebøe
European Patent Attorney M.Sc. (Electrical Engineering) Partner

Marianne Weiby Wulff
European Patent Attorney M.Sc. Organic chemistry Partner

Laura Mannering
European Patent Attorney Masters. M1.Physics

Håkon Tysnes Kaasin
Attorney-at-law Senior Partner