Code of Conduct

Ethical trading guidelines for supplier and other business partners

Updated June 2023

Ethical statement

Bryn Aarflot AS strive for sustainable business practices that respect people, society and the environment, and have therefore prepared a code of conduct for Bryn Aarflot’s network of suppliers and business partners/ agents (hereinafter referred to as suppliers) as a complement to our own policy.

To ensure sustainable business practices, we want to work closely with our suppliers.

We expect all suppliers to work systematically to comply with the guidelines as they apply at all times, and to actively promote such guidelines in their own operations. Suppliers are therefore obliged also to ensure that their own subcontractors follow the guidelines, including all subcontractors in their value chain, and their business partners.

National legislation, political or cultural circumstances may in some cases make it difficult to meet certain standards or to identify or get in contact with all subcontractors. In such cases, the Suppliers must look for alternative ways to achieve the goals, in agreement with Bryn Aarflot.

Code Of Conduct

The guidelines for sustainable business practices specify minimum and not maximum standards. The national legislation in the country where the supplier is operating, should always be respected. Where national laws and regulations cover the same topic as these guidelines, the highest standard shall apply.

Forced labor/slave labor
There shall be no form of forced labor, slave labor or involuntary labor.

Employees shall not be required to submit deposits or identity papers to their employer and shall be free to terminate their employment with a reasonable notice period.

Freedom of trade association and collective bargaining
Employees shall, with no exception, have the right to join or establish unions as they wish, and to bargain collectively. If the right to free organization and/or collective bargaining is restricted by law, the employer shall facilitate and not impede alternative mechanisms for free and independent organization and negotiation. The employer shall not interfere with, obstruct or oppose trade association or collective bargaining.

Trade union representatives shall not be discriminated or prevented from carrying out their trade union work.

Child labor
The minimum age of employees shall be in line with the national minimum age for employment, or; minimum age for compulsory education, with the highest age as applicable.

New recruitment of child employees in violation of the mentioned minimum age shall not take place.

There shall be no discrimination in employment, remuneration, training, promotion, dismissal or retirement based on ethnicity, caste, religion, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, trade union work or political affiliation.

Protection shall be established against sexually intrusive, threatening, abusive or exploitative behavior, and against discrimination or dismissal on unjustifiable grounds, e.g. marriage, pregnancy, parenthood or HIV status.

Brutal treatment
Physical abuse or punishment, or the threat of physical abuse or punishment is prohibited. The same applies to sexual or other abuse and other forms of humiliation.

Health, Safety and Environment
Efforts shall be made to ensure employees a safe and healthy working environment. Necessary measures shall be taken to prevent and minimize accidents and damage to health as a result of, or related to, conditions in the workplace.

Employees should receive regular and documented training in health and safety. Health and safety training shall be repeated for new employees and relocated employees.

Emloyees should have access to clean sanitation facilities and clean drinking water. Where applicable, the employer shall also provide access to facilities for safe storage of food.

If the employer offers lodging, this must be clean, safe, adequately ventilated and with access to clean sanitary facilities and clean drinking water.

Wages to employees for a normal working week shall at least be in line with national minimum wage regulations or industry standards, the highest applies. Wages should always be sufficient to cover basic needs.

Salary conditions and payment of wages must be agreed in writing before work commences. The agreement should be understandable to the employee.

Deductions from wages as a disciplinary action are not permitted.

Working hours
Working hours shall be in accordance with national laws or industry standards, and not exceed working hours in accordance with applicable international conventions

Employees should have at least one day off per 7 days.

Overtime should be limited and by appointment. The recommended maximum overtime is 12 hours per week, i.e. total working hours of 60 hours per week. Exceptions to this may be accepted if regulated by a collective agreement or national law.

Employees shall always receive overtime pay for working hours over and above normal working hours, at least in accordance with applicable laws.

Regular employments
Obligations towards employees, in line with international conventions, national laws and regulations on regular employment, shall not be circumvented through the use of short-term contracts (such as contract workers and casual workers), sub-contractors or other labor relations.

All employees are entitled to an employment contract in a language they understand.

Apprenticeship programs must be clearly defined in terms of duration and content.

All forms of bribery are unacceptable, such as the use of alternative channels to ensure illegitimate private or work-related benefits to customers, agents, contractors, suppliers or their employees, and government officials/women.

Money laundering
It shall be refrained from all forms of money laundering and appropriate steps shall be taken to prevent financial transactions from being used by others to launder money or finance terrorism.

Trade sanctions
Relevant trade sanctions shall be observed. Avoid trading partners that have activities in countries or that are themselves subject to trade boycotts or sanctions by the UN, Norwegian authorities and/or other relevant authorities.

Applicable competition laws and regulations must be complied with.

Applicable data protection and privacy laws shall be complied with.

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